In addition to standard print sizes we also specialize in custom sizes and large format prints.

Stretched Canvas

Colorful giclee print on Acid-free, Lignin-free museum-quality stretched canvas. All canvas prints are coated with a non-yellowing, UV-resistant, liquid topcoat for added protection, durability, and print life. Prints are stretched on light-weight, 1.5 inches deep select pine wood, and properly reinforced for added rigidity and strength. Your stretched giclée will be ready to hang.

12″ x 12″ ——— $120

24″ x 24″ ——— $345

36″ x 36″ ——— $714

48″ x 48″ ——— $1047

60″ x 60″ ——— $1200

E-mail for quote for larger sizes

Face-Mounted Acrylic

Face Mounted Acrylic: Photographic quality prints face mounted to acrylic have a vibrant color, clarity and depth. Light passes through the acrylic in a unique way that illuminates your image for a modern and sleek aesthetic. The mounted print is fixed to black pvc for added support, and has a wooden backing with ready to hang wire.

12″ x 12″ ——— $160

24″ x 24″ ——— $549

36″ x 36″ ——— $1198

48″ x 48″ ——— $1949

60″ x” 60″ ———$3049

E-mail for quote for larger sizes

Other Media

Photographs can be printed on a wide variety of surfaces, glass, bamboo, and metal. E-mail for quote.